Digital storytelling online workshop: this is a first!
Digital storytelling can be declined in so many ways, but it basically is a way of telling stories which implies th use of digital media, and profits from digital media possibilities of interaction, immediate response, etc.
I have been working on storytelling in several of my training courses and learning experiences, and posted often about different ways to tell stories using digital media, from interactive short movies, to convergent media used to improve Star Wars, or to bridge videogames and tv series, and so on.
For this reason I was happy to accept the invitation of my longtime colleague and friend Carmine Rodi, to join his tematic online workshops series and offer a special workshop about digital storytelling, scheduled for June 10th.

To briefly introduce my workshop, I wrote these few lines:
What if we told you you can design stories where your characters come alive, and their actions and choices affect the unfolding of the story itself?
Digital media can add this kind of experience to nowadays storytelling, and through examples coming from tv series, video games, digital novels and more, we will learn how storytellers today can share part of their power with readers and users of their stories.
This is a track of what will happen during the 2 hours that we will spend together, and of course some surprises will be waiting for you anyway!
This is a first, either for the formula and for the different fields I will cover, with examples coming from videogames, tv, visual novels etc., so I am also very curious to see if this can be one more way to meet with interesting people to discuss interesting topics, sharing ideas, tools and experiences.
Places are limited, to ensure a better interaction among participants, so be sure to reserve your one filling the form at
See you all there soon!